Eva Aronsson
(born 1940), is a Swedish composer.
Selected works: Sagan om bockarna Bruse, 1988, Music dramatic, for ottoni-bi orch.
Publications direction: Available at Svensk Musik/Swedmic AB
Giulia Anania
(Roma 23 agosto 1984), cantautrice, chitarrista, pianista. Ha studiato canto con Antonella de Grossi e composizione con Filippo Gatti. Si dedica totalmente all’attività creativa come cantautrice, scrittrice di poesie e prosa poetica e dirige un festival per le arti e la musica di donne “SickMarylin”. Le sue canzoni sono storie di adolescenza, amori esitanti, viaggi onirici e paesaggi urbani e sono presentati in spettacoli con fotografie, video maker, ed illustratori. Nel 2005 ha vinto il premio della critica “Anna Magno” al festival di San Marino con la canzone "Piccola droga". Parallelamente, il suo primo libro di poesia "Nessuno bussa" (Zone Editrice, 2005) ha vinto tre premi nazionali ed il premio letterario Camaiore; alcune poesie sono state pubblicate in antologie in Messico e in Spagna. Nel 2007 è stata scelta finalista al “Premio Canzone D'autore Fabrizio De André” e ha vinto “Labaro Rock”. È stata artista dell'anno al “Maqueta Day 2008” e tra i dieci migliori artisti emergenti segnalati dal quotidiano La Repubblica. Tra i suoi lavori più noti: “La brava ragazza”, “Ritratto di famiglia”, “Adamo ed Eva”, “Maggio”, “Addio”, “Il volo” e “Periferia”.
(born in Rome, 23rd August 1984) singer-songwriter, guitarist and pianist. She studied singing with Antonella De Grossi and composition with Filippo Gatti. She dedicated herself completely to the creative activity as a songwriter, writer of poems and poetic prose and directs a festival for the arts and music of women “SickMarylin”. Her songs are presented in shows with photographs, video makers, and illustrators. She was the artist of the year for "Maqueta Day 2008" and one of the ten best emerging artists reported by the newspaper “La Repubblica”. Some or her poems have been published in anthologies in Mexico and Spain
Selected works: La brava ragazza; Ritratto di famiglia; Adamo ed Eva; Maggio; Addio; Il volo and Periferia.
Awards: Critics' award "Anna Magno" at the festival of San Marino with the song "Piccola droga", 2005; “Labaro Rock”, 2007; Literary prize “Camaiore” for her first book of poetry "Nessuno bussa" (Zona Editrice, 2005).
Contact: giulianania.com
Gökçe Altay
Composer, and pianist, was born in Istanbul, Turkey, 1975. She started her music education at the age of 12 at the Ankara State conservatory, Piano Department. She was accepted in the Bilkent University, Music and Performing Arts Faculty, Theory - Composition Department with a full scholarship. During this period she was accepted as a student of composition at the the conservatory of Amsterdam and later, for music theory at the Rotterdam conservatory. After receiving her Bachelor Degrees from both institutes, she followed the Masters Degree program on the subject of 'Electro acoustic Music', at CODARTS, Rotterdam, and returned to Turkey. In abroad, she joined into various projects [e.g. Asko Ensemble, 8x7 Project; Axyz Ensemble; Ebb and Flow; Improvisation Worldwide Rotterdam], concert organizations (Gaudeamus Music Weeks; The Unanswered Question), workshops/master classes (e.g. George Crumb [composition]; Prof. Charles Rosen [music theory and performance practice]) and radio programs. She also worked as instructor at Rotterdam The conservatory for several years. She released her first CD in the Netherlands with Karnatic Lab Records in the project Ebb and Flow in 2009. In 2010 she completed her doctoral study and currently works as instructor at Bilkent University, Music and Performing Arts Faculty, at Theory and Composition Department. She continues her artistic activity in Turkey and in abroad.