Asociaţia Română a Femeilor în Artă, denumită ARFA, este o organizaţie profesională, nonprofit, neguvernamentală, care îşi propune să promoveze creaţia artistică profesionistă a femeilor din România, în contextul artistic contemporan.
Fondatori: compozitoarea Mihaela Stănculescu-Vosganian, coregrafa Liliana Iorgulescu şi plasticiana Marilena Preda-Sânc. Consiliul Director: Mihaela Stănculescu-Vosganian (Presedinte), Liliana Iorgulescu (vice-preşedinte), Marilena Iliesiu (critic de film), Manuela Golescu (actriţă), Roxana Trestioreanu (artist plastic) Membru de onoare: Paula Boire (muzicolog)
ARFA a fost constituită în martie 2001, iar până în prezent ARFA numără aproximativ 35 de membre, implicate în diferite domenii artistice: compoziţie, muzicologie, coregrafie, interpretare, dirijat, arte vizuale, critică de artă, teatru etc.
In anii 2005 si 2006, ARFA si-a mentinut proiectele permanente: FORUM-ART si spectacolele grupului INTER-ART. ARFA sprijina productii de arta contemporana fiind implicata in concerte din marile sali din Bucuresti: Opera Nationationala Bucuresti, Teatrul Nottara, Sala Arcub, Sala Radio Romania. La sfarsitul lui septembrie 2005/2006 ARFA a organizat propriul festival Multi Sonic Fest, prima initiativa de acest gen din Romania. Acest festival a inclus 6 concerte de fusion-music, gasind astfel o punte de legatura intre muzica contemporana si muzica jazz. In 2010 si 2011 ARFA a fost unul dintre organizatorii si promotorii a celui mai mare festival international de muzica contemporana: Saptamana Internationala a Muzicii Noi (SIMN) unde a prezentat numeroase lucrari ale membrelor asociatiei.
ARFA was set up in April 2001, by the following founders: the composer Mihaela Stănculescu-Vosganian (President), the choreographer Liliana Iorgulescu (vice-President) and the painter Marilena Preda-Sânc (member in the Board of Directors). In September 2001, ARFA became Member of the International Honour Committee of the Foundation DONNE IN MUSICA. From the very beginning, one of the main reasons for ARFA's existence was to promote professional, artistic creation in different domains, such as composition, musicology, choreography, musical interpretation, visual arts, art critics etc. Thus, ARFA's singularity derives from both its main purpose - to draw genuine public recognition for creating personalities in Romania - and to coordinate cross-disciplinary and multi-artistic events. During the year 2005 and 2006, ARFA has continued its main permanent projects: The FORUM-ART Season and the performances of its contemporary Music and Dance Group INTERR-ART. ARFA has continued the support of Contemporary Arts Productions, being involved in 2005.2006 in mixed productions - concerts / exhibitions - with the main stages in Bucharest as Romanian National Opera, Nottara Theater, Arcub Hall, Romanian Radio Hall The end of September 2005/2006, ARFA organized the second and third editions of its own festival Multi Sonic Fest, a first initiative of this kind in Romania. This festival has included 6 performances of Fusion-Music, filing the gape between contemporary music and jazz, combining traditional Asian and African instruments with electric sound sources, melting classic contemporary musical textures with world music grooves and improvising experiments of music and dance, focalizing the interaction between Romanian and foreign performers. In 2010 ARFA was one of the organizers and promoters of the biggest International New Music Festival : SIMN 2010 (International Week of New Music) where we managed to present the latest work of a numerous members of our Association. Also, in 2011 ARFA was one of the main organizers and partners for the International Week of New Music 2011 (SIMN 2011).
Asociatia Romana pentru Femei in Arta (A.R.F.A.)
President - Mihaela Vosganian, composer & professor at National University of Bucharest
83 Aurel Vlaicu Street, sector 2
Bucharest - Romania