Archiv Frau und Musik
Archiv Frau und Musik
Directors – Renate Matthei, Ulrike Wipprecht and Renate Brosch
Frankfurt am Main - Germany
Verband der Gemeinschaften der Künstlerinnen und Kunstförderer e.V.
GEDOK – the Federation
GEDOK is an Association for the arts and the largest federation of associations working in Germany to support women artists in all fields. It was founded in Hamburg by Ida Dehmel in 1926 under the name “Community for German and Austrian women associations of all forms of Art”. Today GEDOK has an activity as a Community of women artists and promoters of art. Spread all over Germany it includes 24 member organisations (with one further organisation in Vienna) working as independent associations at regional level. More than 3600 members are to be found within this collective association which assists women in the following categories: applied arts, fine arts, performing arts, literature, music and dance.
GEDOK is a member of the International Society for the fine arts (Internationale Gesellschaft der Bildenden Künste – IGBK), the German Music Council (Deutscher Musikrat), the European Music Council and the German Women Council (Deutscher Frauenrat). It is further a founding member of the Arts Fund (Kunstfonds) and represented in the organisations dealing with copyrights in the fine arts as well as with social security for artists. GEDOK is a recognised non-profit association with no political affiliation. Activities are undertake n by women working on a voluntary basis. Member fees, donations as well as grants for projects contribute to financing events and public functions.
GEDOK – the Mission
The purpose is to promote the work of professional women artists, to make them known to the public and to represent their interests. The association is managed by an elected managing committee, flanked by (equally elected) advisory specialists in the several areas, and a treasurer.