22 Marzo 2019
Gigliola Zecchi Balsamo, Costa: è stata una grande amica, una cittadina del mondo.

Si è spenta giovedì Gigliola Zecchi Balsamo, già vice Presidente della Fondazione Donne in Musica e una dei fondatori della World Youth Orchestra.
[ Leggi tutto ]

Notizie sul 38°Concorso Internazionale di Violino"PREMIO RODOLFO LIPIZER", 6-15 IX 2019

SCHEDA D'ISCRIZIONE - da rispedire alla Segreteria del Concorso Internazionale di Violino "Premio Rodolfo Lipizer", 34170 GORIZIA GO, ITALIA, Via don Giovanni Bosco 91, ENTRO IL 30 APRILE 2019.

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Information about 38th International Violin Competition "RODOLFO LIPIZER PRIZE", 6-15 IX 2019
APPLICATION FORM - This application form should be sent to the Secretariat of the International Violin Competition "Rodolfo Lipizer Prize", 34170 GORIZIA GO, ITALIA, Via don Giovanni Bosco 91, WITHIN APRIL 30th, 2019.

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38ème Concours International de Violon "PRIX RODOLFO LIPIZER" 6-15 IX 2019
FICHE D'INSCRIPTION - Fiche à retourner au Secrétariat du Concours International du Violon "Premio Rodolfo Lipizer", 3417O GORIZIA GO, ITALIA, Via don Giovanni Bosco 91, AVANT LE 30 AVRIL 2019.

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Nachrichten über den 38. Internationalen Violine Wettbewerb "RODOLFO LIPIZER PREIS" 6-15 IX 2019
ANMELDEFORMULAR – An das Sekretariat des Internationalen Violinwettbewerbs "Rodolfo-Lipizer-Preis", 34170 GORIZIA GO, ITALIA, Via Don Giovanni Bosco 91, BIS ZUM 30. APRIL 2019 zurückschicken.

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Admisión al 38º Concurso Internacional de Violín "PREMIO RODOLFO LIPIZER" 6-15 IX 2019

FICHADE INSCRIPCION - De enviar de nuevo a la secretaría del concurso internacional de violín "Premio Rodolfo Lipizer", 34170 GORIZIA GO, ITALIA, Via Don Giovanni Bosco 91, DENTRO DEL 30 ABRIL 2019.

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On 22 January 2019, the Committee for Culture and Education (CULT) in the European Parliament will discuss the proposal for the new Creative Europe programme (2021-2027). The basis for the discussion will be the draft report and amendments of rapporteur Silvia Costa which was published in October and the draft amendments. The vote on the draft report and the additional amendments (part I and part II) is scheduled for 20 February 2019. You can follow the debate in the CULT committee via livestream on the website of the European Parliament.

The Council of the European Union, made up of the Ministers for Culture and Education from the Member States, agreed its position (partial general approach) on the Creative Europe proposal in December 2018. It is the mandate for the negotiation with the European Parliament which will begin this year. The agreement does not include the budget for the future Creative Europe programme, since the final amounts will depend on the agreement reached on the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF).




The Council conclusions on the Work Plan for Culture 2019-2022 were published on 30 November, and include five 5 priorities:

A. Sustainability in cultural heritage

B. Cohesion and well-being

C. An ecosystem supporting artists, cultural and creative professionals and European content

D. Gender equality

E. International cultural relations

In addition, digitalisation and cultural statistics are included as “important horizontal issues”. Each priority lists several topics to be addressed over the next few years. Priority C also includes the topic “Diversity and competitiveness of the music sector”. Based on Music Moves Europe, experts will exchange information on public policies to promote the mobility of artists and the circulation of local repertoire within and beyond Europe. Other topics in the Work Plan include Artistic freedom and Status and working conditions of artists and cultural and creative professionals.



At the closing conference of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 (EYCH) in Vienna in December, the European Commission presented the first-ever European Framework for Action on Cultural Heritage. It aims to build on the achievements of the EYCH and establishes a set of 4 principles and 5 main areas of continued action. It was developed through regular exchanges with EU Member States, the European Parliament, civil society organisations, cultural operators and international organisations such as the Council of Europe and UNESCO. The European Framework for Action on Cultural Heritage establishes a Cultural Heritage Forum that will meet at least once a year.

Learn more about the outcomes of the European Year of Cultural Heritage here. 






Concerto di Gala Global Women in Musics for Human Rights 

in onore di Patricia Adkins Chiti



Il 5 novembre 2018, al Teatro Argentina, ore 21, si terrà il concerto di gala della Fondazione Adkins Chiti Donne in Musica nell'ambito delle celebrazioni del 70° Anniversario della Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti Umani in cui si esibiranno le 10 finaliste scelte della chiamata a nuova musica dedicata a sole donne di tutti i paesi del mondo.

Saranno presenti autorità come Antonio Tajani, Presidente del Parlamento Europeo, Kate Gilmore, Deputato del’’Alta Commissione delle Nazioni Unite, Mary Honeyball, Membro onorario del Parlamento Europeo, Veronica Birga, Chief, Women's Human Rights and Gender Section, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), Silvia Costa europarlamentare del PD.<span style="font-size: 11.0pt; font-family: Arial; mso-fareast-font-famil