Esperanza Abad
(born 9 February 1941, Mora, Toledo, Spain) singer, performer, teacher and composer. Her real name is Esperanza Lopez-Abad López. She studied music and declamation at the Real Conservatorio de Música y Arte Dramático in Madrid and later devoted her time to musical research. Co-founder of CANON and also of LIM, she specializes in the avantgarde. She is the co-writer of Réquiem escénico en memoria de Agustín Millares Sall (Goodbye that is not a Goodbye; Stage Requiem in Memory of Agustín Millares Sal) together with José Iges and Concha Jerez, as well as Ritual, a composition in three parts written for one of her own performances which combines voice, dramatization and electronics. Her music has been recorded in many companies like RCA, EMEG-EDIGSA and RNE. She has participated as a performer in a vast majority of festivals and international contemporary art forums. She has recorded for RNE, TVE and BBC and has attended festivals in and outside of Spain, where she achieved the highest distinctions. As an educator she has conducted numerous courses on the use of the voice for actors, singers, stage directors, choir and musicians in general.
Selected works: Despedida que no despide, 1990, mz, electr, 4 synchronized tapes; Para la galeria, 1986, voice- electr; Ritual (I. Ecos de tí en el ambiente- 2. He viajado entre desconocidos- 3. El corto presente), 1986, mz- electr, tape
Awards: As a singer she was honoured with the Award Lucrecia Arana del Real Conservatorio Superior de Música y Escuela de Arte Dramático de Madrid. In 2007 she received the Award for Excellence professional Juanelo Turriano in its second edition.